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Apple Newton

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<computer> A Personal Digital Assistant produced by Apple Computer. The Newton provides a clever, user-friendly interface and relies solely on pen-based input. Eagerly anticipated, the Newton uses handwriting recognition software to "learn" the users handwriting and provide reliable character recognition.

Various third-party software applications are available and add-on peripherals like wireless modems for Internet access are being sold by Apple Computer, Inc. and its licensees.

Newton Inc.'s NewtonOS competes with Microsoft Corporation's Windows CE, and was to be compatible with DEC's StrongARM SA-1100, an embedded 200MHz microprocessor, which was due in 1998.


Handwriting recognition example (http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~jxm/tablespoons.html).


Nearby terms: Apple Computer, Inc. « Apple II « Apple Macintosh « Apple Newton » Apple Open Collaboration Environment » AppleScript » Applesoft BASIC

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